Donate today to provide our students with an enriching Summer Program!
Your donation will help provide job coaching, community projects, crafts, and fun/educational field trips!

Your donation will help provide job coaching, community projects, crafts, and fun/educational field trips!
We are fundraising to provide a powerful, enriching summer program for our students with disABILITIES
Quest Academy of Austin is a Life, Social, and Vocational Skills enrichment program that serves youth with disABILITIES and will enable our students to acquire the tools needed to be contributing members of the community. Our summer program will include "real world" scenarios ie managing money, on the job vocational training,social skills exercises that include oral reports, team building excercises, athletics, and craft and food projects.
We work to grow our students and lead them to independence, and taking their rightful place in the community.